

I had to remove the Woodworking Web from my face book account . They wouldn’t let me share any post. Said something about using the account for business instead of personal . Any one else have the same problem .?


Wheaties, I have an essential oils page on FB. I post mostly health & wellness info on there. Sometimes I post products & ordering info.
The first time I did , they sent me a copy of policy ,procedures & warnings. No problems since then.
The main reason they contacted me was to sell me boost postings for my page.
I share that page through my personal FB page a lot & there has never been a problem.
I’m a member of a closed group & we are not allowed to share info from that group.
I don’t understand why they are not letting you post from here unless because it’s members only.


I can post again , they changed the format . So I’m going to try to but Woodworking web back on . I guess we will see what happens. Thanks


Im not understanding what you guys are talking about. Could you guts elaborate a bit.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I received a notice on my face book page , I couldn’t repost any thing . It had some sort of thing about using face book for business purposes . So I unfriended Woodworking Web. I was able to post again and the format was back to normal. Since then I have put the site back up and no problems



Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"